As you may have read in my last blog post, I love autumn. But, more than loving autumn, I love Halloween! As some of you may know, I have been a fan of horror films, supernatural literature and spooky art work my entire life. There is something about the gothic aesthetic that is satisfying. Now, I am not talking about Gothic as in the angsty teens that wear black clothes, white make up and black nail polish and pretend that their cushy suburban life is sooooo harsh as they wander around Hot Topic eating corn dogs from Hot Dog on a Stick. No, I am talking about Gothic as in tumble down castles, degenerate corrupted aristocrats, and the ever creepy Victorian English denizens.
Here is a list of books/ authors and films that are fun this time of year. The list is not all encompassing, so if you have any selections to add, please leave a comment. I’m always looking for new books to read and films to watch.
Books/ Authors:
-My perennial favorite Anne Rice. She has written the Vampire Chronicles, the Witch Chronicles and other supernatural books. Her books are not just entertaining but extremely well written.
-Edgar Allen Poe. His short stories like the Telltale Heart, Cask of Amontillado, and Masque of the Red Death are sufficiently creepy and fun.
-Laurell K. Hamilton’s series about Anita Blake the Vampire Hunter. However, there is a caveat, her books are graphic both in relation to violence and sex so proceed with care.
-Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse novels. This series inspired the HBO series True Blood and is soooo much fun. The characters are well formed and so sassy!
-Kim Harrison’s Rachel Morgan series about a witch who is also a bounty hunter. This series is a “what if these creatures were real and everyone knew about them” type of world. Rachel is brash and doesn’t take anything from anyone, not even demons.
-MaryJanice Davidson’s series about Betsy Taylor, queen of the vampires. This series is less creepy than campy as it’s about a modern girl who finds out she’s become a vampire and not only that, she’s the queen too. She’s quirky and funny with a major shoe fetish. The books are a fun, quick read.
-Washington Irving’s Sleepy Hollow is a great book for this time of year, and will definitely make you think twice about walking through the woods, at night, in autumn!
-John Carpenter’s Halloween (1979). This is a great movie. There’s suspense, a psychological component, and even though there are many slayings there’s very little blood shown. Love it!
-Any and all of the Friday the 13th movies. Creepy, campy fun!
-The first A Nightmare of Elm St. Freddie Kruger is not your typical slasher movie killer, he’ll make jokes while he slices and dices.
-If you really want to be freaked out, turn out the lights and watch Paranormal Activity. I will say this was the first time in years I was scared by a movie. I watched it when I was 7 months pregnant, and I am surprised I didn’t go into labor early I was so tensed up!
-The original Dracula, as well as the Francis Ford Coppola remake. The original had Bela Lugosi’s stellar portrayal…and the remake had the incomparable Gary Oldman.
-The original House on Haunted Hill specifically for Vincent Price. In fact, any Vincent Price movie. The Masque of the Red Death, The Pit and the Pendulum, the original Thirteen Ghosts etc. Just look him up on and pick any of them and they are all good.
-American Werewolf in London. John Landis' direction in the film, and the effects are awesome!
-For Nick I recommend any of George A. Romero’s zombie movies…he loves them!
-Shaun of the Dead is a great zombie comedy and a rollicking good time. Sit back, raise a pint and enjoy!
-The Exorcist…need I say more?
-Exorcism of Emily Rose. Any movie that can make a lapsed Catholic get back to church has done it’s job.
-Evil Dead with Bruce Campbell is a wonderful low budget, gleefully bloody movie from the Raimi brothers. A must watch!
-Sleepy Hollow with Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci. A great, layered movie.
-The Leprechaun…for your cheesy viewing pleasure.
-Wes Craven’s Scream. This movie broke the fourth wall and let the audience in on the “rules” of horror movies while rebooting the genre for a new generation.
-Stephen King movies…Cujo, Christine, Carrie, The Shining…
-Underworld where we finally get to see what a fight between vampires and werewolves would look like, and it looks awesome!
-Fright Night both the original and the remake. Tons of fun…finally a vampire who is not brooding or sparkling in the sunlight. A good old fashioned blood sucker!
-The Thing with Kurt Russell, the first remake.
-For the kids: It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, Earnest Scared Stupid, Halloweentown, Hocus Pocus, and the Garfield Halloween Special are fun.
These are some fun books and movies to check out and enhance your Halloween experience. Trick or Treat!

Until next time…