Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What a Weiner!!!

Okay, this is a familiar situation.  A “’happily married” politician is sexually irresponsible.  Anthony Weiner, a democratic Congressman from New York allegedly sent pictures over Twitter of his naked body to a woman, not his wife.  Then, when he was caught, he lied and said his account had been hacked and that the pictures weren’t even of him.  Now, I am going to admit something that is very hard for me…I actually believed that the hacking excuse was plausible.  Now, let me explain.  I am not generally what I would call a gullible or naive person.  However, I actually did not want to believe that anyone, especially a politician with a reputation to protect, would do such a thing thinking that they wouldn’t get caught.  Especially after another Congressman from New York, Christopher Lee was forced to resign after posting is topless photo on Craigslist looking for dates.  I think what almost bothers me more than his atrocious behavior is the fact that he doesn’t seem to know how Twitter, or the internet works.  When I was young, I had a teacher say to our class, after a hurtful note was read aloud, “Never put into writing what you don’t want others to read”.  That was great advice for a classroom of thirty kids, but it is more apropos for the internet!  When are people going to learn that whatever you post can be read by millions of people?

And, has anyone else noticed how out of his league his wife is?  She’s gorgeous, smart, and successful. He looks like his name, a Weiner. It’s a good thing he went to treatment, because he needs it if she isn’t enough for him.  The saddest part is that she is pregnant with their first child.  During what should be a wonderful time in her life, she’s dealing with such a ridiculously embarrassing situation. 


225px-Anthonyweiner                 huma-abedin-vogue-photo-shoot

Here’s some friendly advice to politicians, actors, actresses and anyone else in the public eye: Don’t do anything that you don’t want all over T.V. or the internet!!!

Until Next time…



  1. Agreed!

    I have always lived by that, if you don't want EVERYONE to know, do not put it on the internet. It's called the WORLD WIDE WEB for a reason.

  2. Now he's finally resigning. Why do these guys have the arrogance to think they can hoodwink everyone and stay in office after these kinds of shenanigans?!

  3. Oh man, people are DUMB! You are a politician for pete's sake! I feel the same way when I see people posting drunken pictures on their social networking sites. There will come a time when you don't want people to see you in your underwear. Remember that.

  4. SERIOUSLY. I don't understand these folks who think they're gonna keep anything away from the media. And it certainly took him long enough to resign. Did he really think after all that he was going to keep his job?

    I grew up with this advice regarding behavior with someone other than my boyfriend/husband: would you be willing to say that/do that with your Grandmother looking on? If the answer is no, you're probably not doing the right thing.
